The Envelope Method

Growing up, every time I received money I’d put in an envelope and just left the money there. Most of the time I would find myself finding money in envelopes I wasn’t aware of. This habit, I practiced as a kid, turned out to be one of the best financial tools I use to this... Continue Reading →

Learning to say ‘NO’!

Learning to say no. We know that every time we set a goal to save up money, life knows it and does everything in its power to prevent that. The same day you decide to start saving, a friend will most likely ask you to go out and drink a couple of cold ones. Before... Continue Reading →

Take Control of Your Life!

Growing up, my father sometimes sounded like a broken record. “Siempre hay tiempo para todo.” Is what he used to say, translating to: “there is always time for everything.” I have countless anecdotes where both my father and mother taught me very valuable lessons. Yet, this one… this one always stuck. It’s amazing that at... Continue Reading →

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